Thursday, January 5, 2017

Feeling so Low….

I have been feeling so low about our future state of affairs here in our "Unreal Reality" show about to begin.

I have never in all of my years on this earth felt as strongly or frightened and angry at what transpired from this 2016 election. The seeds were definitely planted, first by Mitch Mc Connell, when Obama was elected, then the Birther Movement by President-Elect, Trump, leading into the appearance of, I am embarrassed to say, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is hard to believe that the election of our first African-American President brought out the very worst in people, including our very own "Jewish Leader" in Israel. It all sounds crazy, but this is really how I see it. Racism and Anti-Semitism, as far as I can see, are the same!! When you lose your values and hate takes over, you believe anything. It is a real pity that Jews are a part of this charade. When high profile people in our very own community praise the likes of Steve Bannon, a known advocate for white supremacy, I know our immediate future is fading into the sunset. Being an optimist, I still feel that people reach their Peter Principle* ...let's hope that Trump and his many supporters do just that before we have irreparable damage to our perfect, not so perfect society that took over 100 years to accomplish!  

However, I feel that fuel was added to their fire by the Abstention decision at the UN. It really was not necessary to evoke more of the same feelings and certainly not a political victory for the Democratic Party at this moment in time. Being right does not translate well these days. Besides, no one can actually say that the route to a two-state decision can come from removing the settlements. Until the Palestinians and the world recognize Israel as a Jewish State it will never happen. This, I must say, is very complicated, and to be “right” was not the answer. As far as I am concerned, it just gave my Republican friends the path to saying, "I told you so"....!!

* The principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent

A friend sent the link below to me and it inspired my need to write once again…an important article written by a professor at Hebrew University…read it and pass it along.

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