Sunday, December 4, 2016

Kudos to Barbra Streisand!

Last night in Ft Lauderdale, I was lucky enough to see Barbra Streisand entertain a full house once again. The last time I saw her there was in 2006, where politics became a talk issue and a substantial amount of booing took place. Well…this time, she immediately brought it up by referring to the unusual things that were happening today and immediately said she would stay away from our political arena.

Her performance was fabulous, proving that a 74 year old singing icon could still deliver, not all of the high notes, but a beautiful rendition of her life’s musical journey. She was still able to wear her politics and social values on her sleeve by subliminally talking the issues through her music. The videos orchestrated throughout her singing were clearly making a statement. Our world has to take notice of what is happening! From her talking about young girls striving to be anything, including President, to her thoughts about caring for all people, climate change, the values our children learn from what they hear, to her finale before the real finale, of “Happy Days are Here Again”, hoping for a better future after all. Even her interjection of the fact that 99% or more of people’s DNA, meaning all of people in the world, are exactly the same! A strong comment with an equally strong message….how good is that!!

Barbra, you are still on top of the world! Your music will endure for many years to come, long after we are gone, the words to People…People who need people…will be listened to and hopefully others will use them for the same political and social innuendos that you cleverly managed to accomplish. Keep going as long as you can…hopefully, I will return to your next visit to Ft. Lauderdale.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Just a note from a close friend in Italy...her view of our Election results in a simple "Nutshell"....

"From the political front, what can one say!  I never loved Hillary but in a million years, could we have believed what happened.  Since Trump never reads in detail I cannot  imagine that he will ever read a briefing book on a complicated foreign affair  issue. We have to hope and pray that he does decide that  Mitt Romney will be the next Secretary of State and that his son-in-law will protect Jews from the Anti-Semites that keep popping out every day."
Written by Carol Ross....American living in Italy
Can you imagine what the rest of the world is thinking....
Wishing someone succeeds is just not enough...people do have to speak out when it is concerning our
future and just plain old Democracy, with all its flaws! When the news media calls out the truth they should not be considered "left wing" is just not acceptable...and it is dangerous.

Trump's Rally in Cincinnati yesterday was was painful listening to him rant and rave about his a little brat who maneuvered his parents into letting him out of the "Time-Out" corner! So ungracious...winning should have made him humble....Just 4 More Years!
Yes...let's hope he picks Romney!